Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let the Fury of Your Love Burn in Me

I love the gentleness of Jesus. I love the power of His love. And I love that He helps us continue to love when everything in us starts to freak out. I love that His love will not be stopped. I love that He fills us with His Spirit and fills us with the grace and trust in His faithfulness to say "Yes" to letting His love reign in our hearts. Im convinced the enemy's main goal is to stop love. Love never stops. The FULLNESS of the love of Jesus is a constant and consistent flow. What the enemy does is gets us to stop believing in this constant and consistent flow. He can't stop Jesus' love. He can only stop us from receiving it. I LOVE the truth of Jesus. That it doesn't matter what I see or hear; all that matters is the Word of God.

"...breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
-genesis 2:7

Help me always say "Yes" Jesus. Your love is a constant flow of "Yes, I love you." Nothing stops it. Nothing. No sin, no disease...nothing. You keep loving and You keep loving thru us. Your love casts out fear. Your love destroys the schemes of the devil. Your love breaks thru all barriers. Thank you that I can trust your love in my life. That I can say "Yes" when it doesn't make sense and trust others to say "Yes" when it doesn't make sense. And even if they don't say "Yes" and even when I don't say "Yes", You are still at work bringing Your restoration. And I can say this because You are faithful. You are always faithful.

The flow of Your love destroys the devil and leaves
him completely powerless.
thank You for the cross.

Remember when you first realized I loved you?

I made you for a purpose
I made you for My heart
I made you for this planet
Its all good right from the start
I made you. I made you
With love on My mind.
I love you. I love you.
Keep listening to My heart.
I love you. I love you.
Remember the sweetest start:
When You believed I said "I love you"
And I still love you.
So take My hand and I'll lead you home

Thursday, April 15, 2010

have Your way

i remember what You said to me. "You are My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a love song to our Savior

when we arrive at eternity's shore
where death is just a memory and tears are no more
we'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we'll sing
"You're beautiful"