The moment you surrender to the Lord, He will fill you with His Spirit. You don't need to beg for the infilling. And it doesn't require a bucket of tears. All it takes is a total surrender to Christ and a willingnes to embrace His precious Holy Spirit.
Total surrender brings total infilling, and total submission brings total fellowship. But just as in marriage, you've got to work at it every day: "Jesus, I love You"; "Father God, I adore You"; "precious Holy Spirit, I long for Your fellowship." If you neglect communicating just one day, the next time it's a little harder.
-Benny Hinn (Good Morning, Holy Spirit)
Total surrender brings total infilling, and total submission brings total fellowship. But just as in marriage, you've got to work at it every day: "Jesus, I love You"; "Father God, I adore You"; "precious Holy Spirit, I long for Your fellowship." If you neglect communicating just one day, the next time it's a little harder.
-Benny Hinn (Good Morning, Holy Spirit)
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