Saturday, October 25, 2008

i'm struggling to find rest. i feel like a lot has been demanded of me lately which excites me but at the same time i have become very exhausted. i know He isn't disappointed in me and that it's all a learning process. "but those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength." i'm trying to hold onto this. to gaze upon His beauty and know He loves me to death and is not disappointed by my weaknesses because my weaknesses give Him a chance to show His strength and to lift me up. You are good Father. Be near. Take me nearer always.

i don't think anyone reads this but if they ever do please pray for me. i want to obey the Spirit and find my life and rest in Jesus and be close to Him and intimate with be someone He knows He can go to and be someone He can get alone with and reveal His deepest secrets and His know Him face to face every day and every night...

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