"...breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
-genesis 2:7
Help me always say "Yes" Jesus. Your love is a constant flow of "Yes, I love you." Nothing stops it. Nothing. No sin, no disease...nothing. You keep loving and You keep loving thru us. Your love casts out fear. Your love destroys the schemes of the devil. Your love breaks thru all barriers. Thank you that I can trust your love in my life. That I can say "Yes" when it doesn't make sense and trust others to say "Yes" when it doesn't make sense. And even if they don't say "Yes" and even when I don't say "Yes", You are still at work bringing Your restoration. And I can say this because You are faithful. You are always faithful.
The flow of Your love destroys the devil and leaves
him completely powerless.
thank You for the cross.
him completely powerless.
thank You for the cross.